Yesterdays lesson allowed us to put things into perspective, in terms of where we are at at this time and what we need to do in order to achieve a higher level by the end of this half term. We reviewed our work and estimated the level that our work is currently at. At this stage Manny and me have realised that some of the components of our work are bringing us down at this point in time and that we need to put more time in in order to achieve higher and be closer to both of our target grades for the piece of work.
At the moment we have our trailer, things that need to be done to make the trailer better are, to shoot more footage in order to improve the narrative of it as at the moment some of it is unclear, i think we should include some dialog as this may enhance the audiences perception of the plot of the film. Also we need to get the voice over added in so that the audience can tell its a flashback into the characters past because at the moment there is just the video that is in black and white, but this will be on the trailer shortly as Manny has it recorded and is going to bring the camera in soon so that it can be placed into the trailer. Also on the part where the boy is running through the woods the camera jumps and the positioning isnt right, Manny suggested shooting this part again, which is a way of improving this part of the piece.
The print products are currently incomplete as the magazine cover hasnt been started yet, last night i drafted some covers so that i can make a start today, as i don't have photoshop at home. I have found some fonts to use for the title of the magazine and have come up with the name of the magazine which will be "Film Today" and am now going to edit it on photoshop. The poster still needs a bit of work. Manny is going to take the photos of the boy for the print products at the weekend which will ensure there is more of a professional look the print products.
I now realise there is a lot to do and will try to put in the time to the print products as i am aware there isnt much time left. Because of this i have decided that i will stay back after school some days next week or work over lunchtime so that i can be closer to completion of the work.
You could really do with posting some examples of your developing print work in comparison with the research you have done. A series of drafts with explanation of how and why you have made improvements would help, as would some connection with the video work. At the moment, your blog is very light in terms of examples of your own work. By this point, you really should have twice as many blog entries with a focus on linking your work with the exam and evaluation criteria, since both of these will become significant in the very near future.