Friday, 13 January 2012

Poster Research

This is similar to the other poster that i analysed "The Wolfman" as the main character is placed in the centre of the page surrounded buy trees which appear to be towering over the character giving the domineering effect as it did for the other poster. This is obviously quite a popualar effect as both posters a similar. Aswell as this the colours are similar instead of having white text its red but they have still included white as the colour of the moon, as in the other poster it connoted inncence, i dont think the white is connoting innocence in this one as its just creating an eerie effect and emphazizing the darkness around it. The red text might be symbolising that there is more blood in this film and this is the primary theme.

I might try to make the background of the poster darker to see how this looks as in the trailer most of it is filmed in the dark and that would create links between the trailer and the poster. But the genre that our film fits into is slightly different as it  invloves children so there should be lighter tone as it may offend and cause complaints as people are sensitive when it comes to children rather than adults being in horror films, so this might be a reason to keep the background of our poster lighter rather than darker as in the insidious poster the background is not completely dark like other posters.

1 comment:

  1. Could really do with seeing updated versions of your poster as well as something of your magazine cover.
