I find this poster particularly striking, although there is a lack of colour this poster is still effective in reaching its target audience which is teenagers, as it is clearly based around prom which is something many teenagers experience. Likewise our film "deranged" is about a child and therefore we are trying to convey this in the poster. The lack of color signifies that this is a dark film and is typical of a horror film poster as the same atmosphere comes across as it would do in the film. Also the darkness of the poster makes the red of the title seem more vivid and more likely to grab the audiences attention. The Red is also a typical colour, used for horror films as it connotes blood and danger. It is a colour that we are likely to use in our poster for the same reasons, but maybe not as bright as this colour this is because our film is based around a child and is not strictly about blood and gore, i don't think people would appreciate the poster if it was indicating the harming of children. clearly in this poster the main focus is the image and although the title stands out it is a smaller size so that the focus is not completely taken away from the actual image.
Much of the poster is taken up with the characters mouth obviously screaming this conveys a sense of fear and violence. Its almost as if the viewer could imagine the scream the character would be making which stimulates the audiences senses. allowing them to feel the certain fear of the character. It also makes the audience wonder what the victim is screaming about what has caused this fear, giving the viewer some curiosity about the film.
The prop in the image relates to the title and theme of the film, the tiara has associations with prom, it being a special occasion. The tiara tilted over the eye of the character has connotations of the night not going as planned and the event has been disturbed, the tiara covering the eye stop us from relating to the character completely and again focuses us on the expression that she is creating with her mouth. She looks a mess with her hair strewn across her face, not what you would expect from someone attending prom.
The poster also seems to look scratched, this is clearly done on purpose to connote the prom being ruined, and goes against all the stereotypical prom movie posters that are all glossy and look elegant to convey the essence of a real prom, this also indicates to the audience that this is not your typical chick flick prom movie and it is of a different genre, horror.